1·Every day average test patient 260 times, whole year examine patient 8 ten thousand people.
2·Methods: Uses CR bedside photography to all bedside examine patient, do with in time and spread to the PACS system.
3·For medication compliance, the sample scenario requires that you examine the medication monitor reading to determine if the patient has opened the blister pack containing his daily dosage of CholElim.
4·The patient would feel them, be able to examine them and, if successful, finally understand them.
5·Dr.Houston is currently involved in several more studies that will examine the broader use of storytelling in patient care and delineate ways in which it can best be integrated.
6·When a patient shares intimacies with you and you examine them in a manner that no one else does, you'd better look like a physician - not a guy who works at Starbuck's.
7·We've sent for to doctor a examine the patient.
8·The doctor examine the patient carefully.
9·Ideally, the anesthetist should take a full history and examine each patient, but for the reasons already identified this is seldom possible.
10·Objective Examine hepatocirrhosis patient's gallbladder contract function and gallbladder pathologic changes, discusses the possible mechanism that hepatocirrhosis patient occurs gallbladder stone.